捷克未来花园景观设计 | Atelier Partero
设计公司:Atelier Partero 
▼ 未来花园——文明废墟之上的重生
Garden of the future: the rebirth on the ruins of civilization ©PLATO
When an artistic vision meets landscape architecture, a project of a unique kind evolves. In the search for a temporary art base for PLATO, a contemporary visual arts platform funded by the city of Ostrava, abandoned Hobby market with 5.000 sqm hall was occupied. The wide space had great potential, while the indoor area could perform as a gallery and events space, the walled and semi-roofed outdoor space, would become an atypical garden/stage for all different sorts of gallery’s activities. PLATO was searching for the idea how to make it work.
▼ 已废弃的趣玩市场,被作为布置艺术活动的空间
The abandoned Hobby market bacame the place for PLATO's temporary art base ©PLATO
景观设计师同艺术家Matyáš Chocholal联手打造出一幅末世景象,它映照出人类不可避免的黯淡末日,但也包含着对自然再生力量的希望。这像一场文明废墟之上的舞蹈,意图借助加速的自然力量,来协助她收复被人类侵占的土地。在倒塌的废墟中,播种下植物种子,开始孕育新的生命。
In collaboration with artist Matyáš Chochola, an apocalyptic scene was imagined that would conceptually reflect the dark and inevitable doom of mankind with a optimism of nature’s regenerative power. A Dance on the ruins of civilization. The idea was to accelerate the power of nature and help her to take the place back. To scar and destroy and then sow vegetation and nurture seeds of life onto the ground of a perishing building.
▼ 一幅构想的末世景象,又孕育着新的生命
An imagined apocalyptic scene with life ©PLATO
We knew this was no ordinary project but with every limitation it became even more interesting. At first we want to drill and lift out the concrete, decision was deemed too invasive so we decided to bring in a setting of rubble. A site plan was drawn to estimate the volume of debris and number of plants/trees needed. The rest of the design has to be in-situ.
▼ 堆砌的碎石场景
A setting of rubble, which moved from a nearby construction site ©PLATO
The trees themselves need a special mention in this story. Regarded as undesirable and crooked they were saved from a small nursey that couldn‘t sell them. These abandoned and outcast trees were the perfect match for this conceptual space.
▼ 苗圃里无人问津的树苗,完美地匹配了这个概念空间
The trees regarded as undesirable and crooked in the nursey perfect match for this conceptual space ©PLATO
Time was a ticking challenge, everything was moving fast. Rubble had to be urgently moved from nearby construction site. That meant we would have only one day to use the available machines to organize and design the space and another day to plant the vegetation and art pieces. We needed every woman and man.
▼ 工作人员在紧张地布置现场
The team setting up the space ©PLATO
▼ 废墟上的种植与艺术装置
Plantation and art pieces on the debris ©PLATO
出乎意料的是,这是我们最激动人心的一次团队合作经历。工作室的成员、艺术家们以及建筑工人共同的即兴创作,为这个“末日”空间的诞生创作出一段令人难忘的故事。艺术家Matyáš Chochola及其团队的表演宣告了作品的落成,为花园的开放拉开序幕,恣意地展现出黑色狂欢,如同在一个灭绝的文明废墟之上的舞蹈仪式。
Little did we know this was going to be one of the most thrilling team-building experience for us. The improvisation and creative collaboration of both our studio, artists and construction workers carved an unforgettable impression and story for the birth of this space. The conclusion of the work and hence opening of the garden was declared with an artistic performance by Matyáš Chochola and his team, depicting wild expressions of dark joy, a sort of dancing ritual on the ruins of an extinct civilization.
▼ 艺术家Matyáš Chochola及其团队的表演,如同文明废墟上的舞蹈仪式
The artistic performance by Matyáš Chochola and his team, a sort of dancing ritual on the ruins of an extinct civilazation ©PLATO
Beyond the conceptual pessimism, this garden behaves as a truely functional and inspirational public space. It has everything a vibrant place needs: a cafe, semi-shade, walls with large windows creating a safe lively space for all age groups. It‘s a flexible site that works in different seasons and for multi-purposes. It is a site that leaves people questioning. It draws the curious ones in to explore the details and pieces upclose and attracts the active ones or run around for a hide/seek game.
▼ 老少皆宜的公共空间,满足各类活动需求
A public space for all age groups and for multi-purpose ©PLATO
▼ 活力四射的人们来此嬉戏玩耍
The site attracts active ones to play around ©PLATO
▼ 孩子们在这里玩捉迷藏
The site attracts children to run around for a hide/seek game ©PLATO
▼ 冬季里的未来花园
Garden of the future in winter ©PLATO
Since the opening plants took off much better then we imagined. It gives shivers, walking around the rubble and see how fast and powerful the natural change is.
▼ 超乎预期的植物长势,震撼人心的自然力量
Plants took off much better than the team imagined, which implies an astonishing change of nature ©PLATO
▼ 设计平面图
Site plan ©PLATO
设计公司:Atelier Partero
合作方:艺术家 Matyáš Chochola;影像艺术家 Rustan Soderling
Name of the project: Garden of the Future
Project category: Hospitality
Project location: Ostrava, Czech Republic
Role in the project : Landscape architect
Design Firm: Atelier Partero
Design & built year: 2018
Collaborators: Matyáš Chochola (artist), Rustan Soderling (video-artist)
Photo credits: PLATO
Photographer’s website: www.plato-ostrava.cz
Contact email: info@partero.cz
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